Bringing Your New Business Back to Life

By BuildYourHomeBiz

You drag yourself into the kitchen after a hard day at the office. Staring glumly at the empty fridge, you try to block out the sounds of the kids squabbling, the dog barking to go outside, and the blare of the TV in the background.

You are just *so* tired.

Day after day, week after week, you promise yourself that you're going to work on your business.

'What business,' you think bitterly, 'The one that still hasn't produced a single thin dime?'

That's the one. It is incredibly easy to get discouraged when your business isn't making money ... and even more so when your life is filled with other priorities. You're just plain worn out - and you don't savor the prospect of spending your precious free time struggling with a business that has yet to turn a profit.

But the simple fact of the matter is: If you don't work your business, who will?

To get anywhere in life you have to work hard. It may involve some short-term sacrifices ... that's where you'll have to sit down with your family and figure out whether those sacrifices will justify the end result. Here are a few tips to help you get back up and work on your business:

Only YOU can change the course of your life. So what are you waiting for? Get going! :-)

Angela has been fortunate to be able to quit her job and work online full-time. Subscribe FREE to her popular ezine, The Netrepreneur's Notebook by visiting her website at . Angela's smartest investment was also the most inexpensive! What was it? Find out at